Tuesday denver gay bar

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if you can get a ticket!īring your friends and play Rockband 2 live on stage at Rockband Wednesdays. Check it out every Wednesday in December. 'The Buttcracker' by the Demented Divas is always a huge holiday hit. so get out your cards and dabbers for fun with Shanida Lawya and Nina Montaldo. Play Plinko for drink specials.Įverybody loves Drag Queen Bingo. to midnight.ĭenver Poker Tour hosts a night of fun and games. Mile High Bullseye Dart League at 7:30 p.m.

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Logo Day: Wear your Compound Logo Gear (I've got the dogtag) for outrageous drink specials.:Ĭheck out the rest of the Denver Gay Bar and Club Weekly Schedule after the jump. they've got their weekly Dart Tournament with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place bar tabs. Boyztown offers all-you-can-eat spaghetti for only $3.50 and at 8 p.m.

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